Our sweet, lovable, handsome Genesis. With his owner, Eden This boy was such a blessing to everyone that he met.
Genesis first came to our rescue on Oct. 10, 2016. Lincoln County Animal Services had sent me an email asking me to please take this poor dog. He was surrendered due to extreme aggression and didn’t have any other options. We brought him to our rescue and found out they were absolutely right. He was aggressive. But he had a reason. His ears were so horribly infected that he must have been experiencing tremendous pain. It was the worst ear infection that my vet have ever seen. It took over 2 years to heal the initial ear infections, and it required CONSTANT attention for the remainder of his life.When it came time to let him be adopted, I made the decision very carefully. Eden was constantly coming over to volunteer and even worked as an intern for a few months. I could tell that she loved Lincoln and I knew that she would be a good owner. I made the right choice. She took him home with her and I visited on a regular basis. They even invited me to Thanksgiving dinner that year. She changed his name to Genesis, becuase he was a new beginning in her life. She kept his ears cleaned out as much as possible and yet the ear infections persisted. She cared for him like no one else could have done.She eventually got a job at an Electrical Supply business and she took him to work with her every day, even after he developed DM and lost the use of his back legs. Genesis thrived in his life with Eden. He was constantly meeting new people, going places and living the best life possible. He protected Eden from several incidents that could have gone badly had Gen not stepped in. He was a gentle soul but he guarded her with his life on multiple occasions.
This is one of my favorite pictures. Genisis enjoying life with Eden.
Genesis wasn’t just a pet for Eden. He was her best friend. Someone she turned to at a time in her life that was very tumultuous. She took him everywhere. He went to many events. She sang to him, and even made a movie for him. It was as if he knew that she needed someone that was totally committed to her, and he stepped up. Whenever she went away somewhere that she couldn’t take him, she brought him back here to the rescue so that I could enjoy his company. He was always so happy, so goofy.